# Summary
- Expected to be unable to come to consensus for Ukraine-Russia war
- Russia would reject any interference and so would China agree upon Russia’s opinion
- US to take this as a chance to form relationship with India
- India to set foot in both Russia/China and US’s sides
- US pres Biden is disappointed as he was excited to discuss recent matters witth Xi and work towards solving the Ukraine-Russia crisis.
- Putin can not leave Rusia as he may be arrested for ar crimes for international warrant
- Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa,
- new members: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Arab United Emirates, Argentina
- this was considered as China gathering their own allies, even which of to compete with the US who has already invited their allies/developing country(ies) allies
- 2009 then-British prime minister: Gordon Brown, a new world for rich and developing countries
- new era for international cooperation
- tame inequities and excesses of globalization
- China is facing the worst/lowest peak of their economy in history
- China’s Xi is staying in borders for country (internal) issues
- Risk: western states are in tension and mistrust with the developing nations (up to Putin and Xi)
- Protest at simmering border tensions and geopolitical issues with India, property marketing crisis, estate market crisis
- Contradicts og purpose of creating G20, does not gather countries’ opinions to form a consensus
- Biden could set up a bilateral meeting with Xi Jinping at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in SF in NOV.
- The jury is unsure if Beijing is keen to attend this conference due to their crisis
# Conclusion
- The most affected is the US and the other countries in G20, the most indirectly affected would be Ukrainians and Russians as both citizen groups expected solutions to be throughout of or resolutions to pass as this issue was listed first on pre-released agenda.
- This event is important because we can see what things we expect from the conference and see the way China and Russia are reacting to the problems they are facing
- This article informs us of the global conference occurring, and what we can expect to be discussed throughout the conference. Issues with China/Russia’s method of tackling their problems, what problems there are!