[WORLD] Mexico breaks diplomatic ties with Ecuador over embassy raid

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By smileyriley1


# Summary

A. Ecuador’s former VP, Jorge Glas, was captured from the Mexican embassy by Ecuadorian officers.

B. The former VP had seeked the embassy for constant seeking of refuge and asylum.

C. He was convicted twice on fraud and corruption, and was pressed for fines and spent prison time. His parole serving period was on pending and officially dismissed 5 months after registration.

D. Rift began to develop when 2013-2017, leftist president was officially named with Glas as VP.

E. “crossed the line”, “explicit violation of international law”, claimed Mexico’s embassy officials.

F. The diplomatic rift became apparent and was defined after Mexico’s embassy released this following information to the press on Saturday.

G. No Ecuadorian ambassadors are currently in Mexico, nor are any Mexican ambassadors serving in Ecuador. H. Glas was put under the hands of competent authorities and was treated differently from the already-developed conventional legal framework.

# Conclusion

A. The most affected are the Mexican-Ecuadorain Latin American Revolutionary Society, a group of Ecuadorian and Mexican joint people who wanted to lead Latin (and Southern) America. Their activities were unexpectedly halted and fines or regulations would be placed upon them if they defied and continued their activities. The indirectly affected people are ambassadors of these respective countries, as their diplomatic work is being disregarded and now considered (CNN) “violation and a act of disloyalty to the country to engage or associate with this work”

B. This event is important and critical because the two countries, and undoubtedly, two of the most well-off countries in Southern America are facing a diplomatic barrier. Not only that, their diplomatic shift and internal relation deteriorating was “evident” and “undoubtedly soon” for multiple people, which led to some people remaining unfazed at this sudden event.

C. This article reflects the current international relations and ongoing (or no-longer-going) relations. More importantly, this will be eventually dealt with in the ICJ to develop and judge the final decision upon whether Ecuador has evaded Mexico or whether it was rather just to do so for the greater good.