US announces $6 billion long-term military aid package for Ukraine

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By smileyriley1

The largest to date, a long-term aid package worth of 6 million is due to be sent to Ukraine. This deal was preceded by a 95-million dollar deal, then a much awaited 1-billion dollar deal.

This deal, unlike ones sealed before, otherwise known as drawdown packages, contact and negotiate with USAI (Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative) to secure and obtain the needed equipment. Drawdown packages retrieve equipment directly from the stocks.

In addition, previous deals were short-term or did not provide adequate resources to last Ukraine for a long period of time. This aid package, according the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, provides surplus resources and allows them to be flexible in combating Russia’s attacks.

Zelensky, not afraid to request for additional resources, expressed his immense gratitude at US and Ukraine’s allies and their willingness to help support Ukraine. He requested help with air-force defence and air-force equipment. He explained in a virtual conference that anything, planes, jets. practically anything would help.

Personal opinion: This will aid Ukraine in combating future attacks and assaults. It does puzzle me how Ukraine will attempt to divide and ensure each sector will receive a proportionate amount of funding and monetary support.

Impact on the global world: It’s evident a money this large will aid Ukraine in making effective comebacks to these various assaults and attacks Russia organizes. However, Ukraine also emphasizes their stance on reducing the amount of attacks. They aim to work on defence and deflecting attacks made from Russia.