‘Chaos is our friend.’ How Trump is quietly planning around Biden’s uncertain future

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By smileyriley1


1. It currently remains very unsure what the Trump campaign’s next move should be, considering Biden’s shaky performance and the possibility of an exchanged Democrat representative.
2. Most Trump advisors still want to remain consistent with the “Make America Great Again” agenda, hoping it will win more simple-minded swing voters.
3. However, pre-polling shows that swing voters are not very enthusiastic about Trump either; both presidents remain out of the majority of swing voters’ engagement.
4. This remains unaligned with what Trump campaigners believe; even with the potential exchange of the Democratic representative, Trump supporters believe the issues the public perceives stays identical.
5. Republicans, in a recent ABC interview, stated they are altering their strategies, including targeting the entirety or other select individuals of the Democratic party, alluding to upcoming Harris-specific attacks.
6. Attempts to wing swing voters, such as redirecting party campaigns to target these groups, are predominant from both parties, as both parties presume their existing voters to favor them of deep loyalty.


1. The race remains tight, as both parties show distinct yet similar strategies. Most critics assume the game is left amongst the swing voters.
2. Results of poll organized from a neutral authority shows most voters would rather not vote (64%). This allows us to extract evidence that both individuals, having taken one previous term, leaves more than enough room for people to form biases.