1. CoolApp was launched in July of 2024 to rival locals preference with Telegram and WhatsApp. Its intentions were to make it difficult for foreigners to interfere with our information, and protect national security.
2. This has stirred up immense online backlash, criticism, and compliments. A previous exiled leader of Cambodia stated that this program was a national scheme; hence bringing online backlash from his supporters.
3. Cambodia released critical information on how it involves no third-parties throughout the communication process of two (or more) individuals. Another official predicted the app will eventually reach 500,000 or 1 million downloads without an specific timeframe.
4. Internet freedom, under the new regime and ruler, has been severely restricted. Consistent censorship, media blackouts and online harassment exists.
5. Exiled leaders criticize this platform as a violent assault on individual and civic autonomy, as citizens have been enforced to use this application. Others claim this platform is a shortcut for the Cambodian government to strengthen repressive tools. Another individual speculated, Cambodia’s close tie with China could lead to private information being sold or leaked.
1. Amid all speculations on this application, civilians are required by both government recommendation and social norm to use this telecommunication tool. Foreigners and other political opponents speculate CoolApp to be a cover for privacy invasions and leakages to other third parties.
2. Media critics speculate that civilians’ informations would be sold to Chinese black markets for additional marginalization or profit-making sources.